Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of minds to think. - Albert Einstein

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela

Tuesday 30 August 2016

A Little About Me...


Welcome to my blog, and welcome to our class! I am SO thrilled to be your child's teacher this year. I am getting very excited for the first day of school when I will be able to meet all of you in person. If you are on this blog, chances are you have received my email. Thanks for checking it out!

Throughout the year I will post updates on what's happening in our class, reminders for upcoming special events, and photos of your child and his/her classmates. Please enter your email into the field on the right-hand side of the screen, where it says, "Follow by email." By entering your email address, you will ensure you receive an email notification whenever I update, and that way you will never miss out! 

Anyway, enough administrative talk! Don't worry, I will send out several notices in the coming days giving you all the important information for you and your child to be as successful as possible in our class. For now, I just want to introduce myself, for those of you who don't know me yet. My teaching experience includes teaching Grade 2/3 here at Lindsay Park last year, and Grade 2 at Marysville the year prior. Before that, I was in Calgary and northern BC teaching  Grades 6-9. I was lucky enough last spring to be hired on a permanent continuing contract here at Lindsay Park, so I don't see myself going anywhere else anytime soon!

My former name was Corissa Rees, but I was married over the summer and my new name is Corissa Pasiechnyk - I know, I know, Rees was much simpler! You don't have to know how to spell it - even I am still working on it ;) Getting married took up a big portion of my summer, it was a beautiful day which happened right here in Kimberley. Our ceremony was at my sister-in-law's yard in Meadowbrook and the reception was out at Camp Stone. It was a lot of work but a perfect day!

The rest of my summer was also very busy as I am currently working on my Master's of Education through the University of Victoria. I started my 2-year program in July. My program is in Curriculum and Leadership. I am so looking forward to learning many new ideas and resources and trying them out with our class. BC has a brand new curriculum this year, and it is an exciting time to be studying this topic. Our curriculum has been reduced, with more time allowed for learning "big ideas" and important concepts, more space for problem-based learning, and an increased focus on outdoor education and Aboriginal education. I am very excited to dig into it and see what exciting things we can do!

Outside of school, I love to spend time being active and taking advantage of our beautiful community. I love to run, bike, ski, hike, swim etc. I love playing with my puppy, Ruby, and camping in my 1977 Westfalia named Mildred :) I enjoy going out to eat and cooking at home (although I am in the middle of a renovation so my kitchen leaves much to be desired at the moment!) Most importantly I try to spend as much time as possible with my family and friends. I am so looking forward to the year and can't wait to get to know each of you better.

See you all on Tuesday!!
Mrs. Pasiechnyk

PS Please remember that Tuesday's dismissal is at 11:45 am

Grady and I with our puppy, Ruby in our Westie

Our wedding day at St. Marys Lake