Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of minds to think. - Albert Einstein

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Outdoor Art

One of our first outside projects was inspired by the British artist, Andy Goldsworthy, who makes beautiful temporary art out of objects found in nature. Here is some of Goldsworthy's work:

And here we are with our creations:

Trekking Tuesday!

This Tuesday we went on our first Trek! After discussing safety rules and expectations in the wilderness, we headed down the Lois Creek Trails. We went on a "rainbow walk" which is great for improving mindfulness while outside and helping to get kids to notice things while they walk. It's also an activity that has been recommended through Canada Mental Health as a strategy for reducing anxiety.
We visualized all the colours in the rainbow and then searched for different items in nature as we walked. Once we reached our destination the kids worked in pairs to try and collect small items in each colour. We then put our samples together to create a masterpiece! Check out all the fun we had below!

Monday 19 September 2016

Word Work

Today your child received their first Word Work words. There are 3 groups this year, yellow, green, and blue. Students copied their words  on the right-hand column in their planners. Our spelling program will either be 1 or 2 weeks long, depending on what else is going on at school. If we have had sufficient practice in class I will quiz them each Friday. We will have a spelling quiz next Friday. You can help your child by having them read and write the words, and also by making little cards and helping them sort them into their appropriate categories. You can also play games with their words, such as hang-man, go fish, and memory. In the case that your child did not write the words neatly enough to read, or if they made a mistake, I have posted copies of them here.

Please contact me if you have any questions! Looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday for our Open House!

Mrs. Pas
Green Group

Blue Group

Yellow Group

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Start of Year Notices

Wow, our first week has already flown by! We have been busy getting to know each other and learning the routines and expectations of a new class. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each of my new students and am looking forward to a great year with really great kids. Please read the following notices below, and as always, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, comments or concerns.

Outdoor Education
One of my goals this year is to embrace our new curriculum by spending as much learning time outside as I possibly can. According to the David Suzuki foundation, the average North American child spends less than 30 minutes playing outside each day, and more than seven hours in front of a screen. Yet research shows time outside makes children healthier, happier and smarter. I don’t believe that most Lindsay Park students spend that little time outside, but I do believe there is always room for growth. Studies have shown that spending time in nature helps with recall and memory, problem solving, and creativity. Children (and adults) who spend more time outside are physically healthier and less stressed. As part of this initiative, I will continue with my weekly schedule of Trekking Tuesdays (more information and permission forms to come) but we will not be limiting our outside time to Tuesdays. In order to be able to take learning outside, I will need all students to come to school, prepared to go outside each day. Please ensure your child wears outside shoes and clothing that are suitable for adventures in the quickly changing weather.
This year, our class will be responsible for collecting the school’s compost. Two students each week will be responsible for going to each classroom after lunch and collecting their compost. It is then taken either to Mrs. Driscoll’s house or to Mrs. Fisher’s house to feed her pigs. Mrs. Driscoll brought in a special treat for our class last week as we learned about composting and our important role. She has been taking Lindsay Park’s compost home for over 10 years, and a few years ago she noticed tiny apple tree seedlings growing in her compost pile. She planted these tiny trees, and this year was the first year that those same trees produced fruit! She brought in apples for our class to learn about this very cool life cycle while we enjoyed a nutritious and delicious snack at the same time!
School Supplies Fee
A reminder that the school supply fee of $45 is due to the school as soon as possible. These funds are used to purchase students’ personal school supplies such as pencil crayons, markers, glue, duotangs, etc. You can send cash or write a cheque made payable to Lindsay Park Elementary. If you are unable to pay for your child’s supplies, please contact the office directly.
As part of a reward system, I give students tickets when they are caught being especially helpful, kind, hardworking, etc. Each Friday, we have a ticket draw where several lucky students get to choose a toy from my treasure box. In past years I have usually bought these toys from the dollar store, but it has never felt quite right, as it is not consistent with the message of reducing and recycling we try to teach our kids at Lindsay Park. I would rather re-use previously loved and forgotten toys rather than buying new ones. If you are doing any house cleaning throughout the year and are ever hoping to get rid of any small toys/ trinkets that might be appropriate treasures for our class winners, please keep our treasure box in mind, and send them with your child to school.
Similarly, I am always looking to expand my class library. Research has found that kids are much more eager and willing to read when there are lots of book choices on a variety of topics readily available to them (and I agree!) If you have used books that might be of interest to our students, please think of us whenever you purge! 
Open House
September 21st will be our start of year open house. Please join us for a BBQ courtesy of our PAC, and a tour of our class and school.  In addition to a current criminal record check, parents who intend to volunteer are required to take the Child Protection Protocol training each year. This 10-15 minute session will be offered several times throughout the year, as needed. The first opportunity is at 5:15 in the library, right before the BBQ.
Upcoming Dates and Events
September 12th – Scholastic Book orders sent home (Due Sept. 19th)
September 21st – Child Protection Protocol Training, (5:15) BBQ and Open house, Book Fair (5:30-6:30)
September 28th – Terry Fox Run 11:30
September 29th – Lockdown Drill

Thanks very much and looking forward to seeing you at our Open House!

Mrs. Pas