Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of minds to think. - Albert Einstein

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela

Monday 31 October 2016

Happy Halloween!!

We had a blast at school today  running through our stations all morning. There was truly something for everyone. We had crafts, stories, and games like pirates in the gym. There were some really great costumes too!!

Now it is time to plan for Remembrance Day. For our Assembly on Nov. 10th (11:00am) our class will  be singing a song. I will attach the website here so kids can practice at home if they want to. The song is done as a call and response, and we will all keep the beat by clapping our hands to the rhythm of a heartbeat (clapping on time is the trickiest part, so lots of practice at home should help :) We will repeat the song two times. Families are invited to come and watch if you are able. Click on link below to access the website for our song. 

Freedom Song 

A reminder that tomorrow is PJ Day, and we will also still be trekking. Please make sure that PJs are weather appropriate or send your child a change of clothes to spend time outside, as we will be heading down into Louis Creek for writing in the afternoon.

For those of you who need photo retakes, they are on Thursday

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