Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of minds to think. - Albert Einstein

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Its That Time Again.... Christmas Concert!!

It is hard to believe but our Christmas Concert is right around the corner! This might sound crazy, but because of our early Christmas break, and our very full December schedule, our Christmas Concert is less than 3 weeks away!!  It is scheduled for early December, with the following show times: 
Dec. 7th
Dress Rehearsal (Marysville students come and watch us)
1pm performance for families
Dec. 8th 
1pm performance for families
6pm performance for families
As usual, we will ask families to limit their attendance to one showtime, as our gym is so small and our seating is always limited. 

This year for our concert, our school will be performing our version of the book and movie, Olive, The Other Reindeer. As has been done in past years, the whole school will sing an introduction and finale song, the Grade 3s will have speaking lines, and each class will sing its own unique song as part of the play.

Our class song is "We're Not So Bad," which is sung by the rebel/ misfit/ blue collar residents of the North Pole. We have started learning our song and your child will be asked to start practising at home soon.

The costumes for this song are quite open to interpretation. All of the kids should be either reindeer or elves, who are a bit funky/ different/ rebellious. Think elves or reindeer wearing dark sunglasses, leather jackets, jean jackets, an eye patch, a studded collar, blue jeans,"trucker hats" etc. A reindeer could have a funny coloured nose, a bow tie for a nose, or unusual antlers (maybe only 1 antler or even 3). You may be able to recycle some of our Who costumes from last year!

Please let me know if you have any issues helping your child with a costume or if you need additional ideas. Also, please let me know if you have extra costume materials that another student could potentially borrow.

I would like to start compiling our costumes at school ASAP. Please send your child's completed costume to school by December 1st at the latest

Here is a copy of the lyrics of our song.
We’re Not So Bad
Mrs. Pasiechnyk’s Class
We’re not so bad
When you’re this far north,
With no sunlight,
Sometimes tempers fray.
Life’s hard enough,
And now Santa’s flight –
Its been an awful day.
Employment in these latitudes,
Depends on Old Saint Nick…
We’re not so bad,
We’re not so bad!
We’re really sweet and funny.

We’re not so bad,
We’re not so bad
We’re not so bad.

When you walked in,
May I be frank?
Of course, we were suspicious.
It seemed you were playing a nasty prank,
That’s why we got malicious.

But we’re not so bad,
We’re not so fearful.
Once you get to know us,
We’re downright cheerful!

We’re not so bad,
We’re not so bad,
We’re not so bad!

Now that we know you,
If you ever come again,
We promise not to throw you….

We’re not so bad,
We’re not so bad!

We’re not so bad!!! 

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