Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of minds to think. - Albert Einstein

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela

Monday 23 January 2017

Week of January 23 - notices

Good afternoon everyone!

Here are some updates and reminders about our upcoming week - it is a busy one!

Restocking the Food Bank - Our school is once again involved in an effort to help the Kimberley Helping Hands Food Bank restock its shelves after an, unfortunately, busy Christmas season. As a class, we have started talking about the importance of the Food Bank and how it helps our community. Today, we had an assembly where a representative from the Food Bank came to kick off this important event. Each classroom will be collecting non-perishable food items, and our class is determined to bring in the most food in the school! We will be doing math activities involving graphing and measuring our contributions, and we will also be using this event to learn more about healthy eating and the food groups. We will be collecting food for the next 2 weeks, and will have a school-wide wrap up on Feb. 3rd where we can see which class has contributed the most food. Any support you can offer for this worthy cause is greatly appreciated.

Scholastic Book Fair - going on this week. If you would like your child to purchase a book they are able to do so during lunch recess and after school this week. The book fair will also be running during POPS night this Thursday at 6pm.

Skating - Thursday 1:00-2:00 @ Marysville Rink - The skating in our class has improved tremendously over the last weeks, if you are at all able to come see your child, please join us! If not, take your child skating on a weekend and try to keep up! It is really great to see :)

POPS night (Parents of Primary Students) - Thursday 6pm
This is a GREAT evening to come and learn with your child. POPS is designed to invite parents into our school communities and to give ideas on ways to support your child's learning and development. Each child will cycle through at least 3 different classrooms and will participate in different learning stations (many of them will have fun educational activities and resources to take home to use). Our focus this year is Math Literacy and Numeracy.  Mrs Pakenham and I will have a Grade 2 set-up in her class with lots of fun math games designed to help reinforce important skills and understandings to learn to play with your child, which you can then take home.

Friends of the Library has generously donated some additional math resources, which children who attend will be allowed to take home! The PAC has also donated a math-related book for every student in the school! We will use these books together as a classroom learning resource before I send them home with the kids to keep!

Recognition Assembly - Friday 11:00 - This is the "Grade 2 Recognition Assembly," meaning our students will be performing. We have started learning a book about seeds and trees and have practiced reading clearly and presenting to the audience. All Grade 2 families are invited to come watch! You can help your child prepare by making sure they can read and remember their line which is glued into to their planner (2 weeks ago).

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