Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of minds to think. - Albert Einstein

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela

Friday 6 January 2017

Happy New Year!

Welcome back to a new year everyone!! I hope that the holiday was full of fun and relaxation for all of our families! We have had a busy week back to school and have jumped right back into the full swing of our learning routines and fun activities.

This week we were busy getting back into our routines and getting used to being back at school. We started our new Math unit on Place Value and students have really enjoyed building numbers using base ten blocks, drawing numbers as groups of tens and ones, and breaking down standard numbers into expanded form. (74=standard form, 70+4=expanded form). We have been practicing our guided reading, done post card writing about our holiday, and worked on Grade 2 No Excuse Words (I apologize but I did not get time to mark our spelling quizzes before the end of the day today so they will not be returned until next week). We have started a new unit in Social Studies about the UN's Declaration of Rights of the Child, and will be learning about Rights, Needs and Wants and the differences between these different ideas. In January in Gym we are doing a Gymnastics Unit and have had fun doing different circuits and playing fun games for strength and flexibility. We also made time to get outside, in spite of the COLD, and had fun practicing snow-shoeing in the deep powder and had a great time skating at the Marysville rink.

Please note that Ski Day forms were sent home today and are DUE JANUARY 13th at the very latest. Please read and complete these forms carefully as there are MANY places that you are required to sign and there have been some changes from previous years.

FYI This Sunday, January 8th is the FREE community ski day at the ski hill. There are free lift tickets available to anyone living in Kimberley. Proof of your local address is required, but this is a great opportunity to get your kids out skiing before our ski days in February, plus it is just a fun family activity!

Next week we will be carrying on with the lessons that we started this week and I am looking forward to continuing to reinforce our school routines and engage in plenty more deep learning!

Monday: new spelling words will be sent home
Tuesday: Trekking
Wednesday: Take Me Outside winter session at Camp Stone (MORNING)
Thursday: Skating 1:00-2:00 Marysville Rink
Friday: Spelling Quiz

Have a great weekend!

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